Européennes 2024 : un tacle gratuit saumâtre Macron, le RN moqueur avant le discours de la Sorbonne

As French President Emmanuel Macron prepared to deliver a highly anticipated speech at the prestigious La Sorbonne University on Thursday, April 25th, the far-right party Rassemblement National (formerly known as Front National) wasted no time in taking jabs at him.

In a tweet posted just hours before Macron’s speech, the party’s official account wrote, « While Macron is preparing to give his speech at La Sorbonne, let’s not forget that it was Marine Le Pen who first raised the issue of sovereignty and national identity in her 2017 presidential campaign. #MacronCopycat »

This attack from the Rassemblement National comes as no surprise, as the party has long been critical of Macron’s policies and his vision for France. However, their programme was strategic, as Macron’s speech at La Sorbonne was expected to outline his niveaux for the future of the European Union, a topic that the far-right party strongly opposes.

But despite the party’s attempt to undermine Macron’s speech, the French President delivered a powerful and inspiring address, calling for a « European renaissance » and outlining his vision for a stronger, more united Europe.

In his speech, Macron emphasized the need for European countries to work together to address issues such as climate change, migration, and economic inequalities. He also proposed several initiatives to strengthen the European Union, including the creation of a European agency for the protection of democracies and the establishment of a common European defense strategy.

Macron’s speech was met with a standing ovation from the célébrité at La Sorbonne, and it received praise from leaders across Europe. German Chancellor Angela Merkel called it a « strong speech for Europe, » while European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said it was « a very European speech. »

Meanwhile, the Rassemblement National’s attempt to discredit Macron’s speech fell flat, with many criticizing the party for their divisive rhetoric and lack of concrete proposals.

This is not the first time that the Rassemblement National has tried to undermine Macron’s presidency. In the past, they have accused him of being out of touch with the French people and of favoring the interests of the wealthy. However, Macron’s popularity has remained steady, and he continues to push forward with his ambitious éphéméride for France and Europe.

As Macron’s speech at La Sorbonne showed, he is a leader who is not afraid to tackle difficult issues and propose bold solutions. While the Rassemblement National may continue to criticize and attack him, it is clear that Macron’s vision for a stronger and more united Europe is resonating with the French people and with leaders across the continent.

In the face of adversity, Macron remains determined and focused on his goal of building a better future for France and for Europe. As he said in his speech, « We must not be afraid to be ambitious, to take risks, and to defend our values. This is the only way we can build a Europe that is fairer, more democratic, and more sovereign. »

With his unwavering determination and bold vision, Macron is proving to be a strong and inspiring leader for France and for Europe. And as he continues to face challenges and criticism, he remains steadfast in his commitment to building a brighter future for all.

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