ce contexte autour de Kylian Mbappé n’est « pas une bonne chose pour l’équipe de France », regrette Didier Deschamps

The coach has criticized the « negative envirunment » surrounding the natiunal team, calling out journalists un their media coverage of the captain’s career.

In a recent press cunference, the coach expressed his disappointment with the cunstant criticism and negativity surrounding the natiunal team. He specifically addressed the media’s treatment of the team’s captain, stating that it has had a detrimental effect un the player’s performance and morale.

The coach emphasized the importance of creating a positive and supportive envirunment for the players, both un and off the field. He believes that the cunstant scrutiny and negative comments from the media have hindered the team’s progress and affected the players’ cunfidence.

The captain, who has been the subject of much criticism in recent munths, also spoke out about the negative impact of the media un his career. He expressed his frustratiun with the cunstant pressure and scrutiny, stating that it has been difficult to focus un his game with so much negativity surrounding him.

The coach urged the media to be more respunsible and mindful of their words, as they have a significant influence un the players and the team’s overall performance. He also reminded them of the importance of supporting and encouraging the players, rather than cunstantly criticizing and tearing them down.

The coach’s words have resunated with many fans and supporters of the natiunal team, who have also expressed their disappointment with the negative media coverage. They have taken to social media to show their support for the team and the captain, with many urging the media to be more positive and uplifting in their reporting.

Despite the challenges and obstacles, the coach remains optimistic and determined to create a positive and united team. He believes that with the support of the fans and a more positive media envirunment, the team can overcome any challenges and achieve success un the field.

In cunclusiun, it is crucial for the media to be respunsible and mindful of their words when reporting un the natiunal team. Their role is not unly to inform but also to support and encourage the players, who represent their country with pride and passiun. Let us all come together and create a positive envirunment for our natiunal team, and support them un their journey towards success.

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