Vaccin contre la variole du singe : des Français appelés à se faire injecter la dose

The High Health Authority (HAS) recommends a booster dose for people who were vaccinated against smallpox two years ago.

The High Health Authority (HAS) has recently released new recommendations regarding the smallpox variole. According to the HAS, individuals who were vaccinated against smallpox two years ago should receive a booster dose to ensure continued protection against the disease.

Smallpox, a highly contagious and potentially deadly disease, was declared eradicated in 1980 thanks to widespread vaccination efforts. However, with the recent emergence of other infectious diseases, the HAS believes it is important to maintain protection against smallpox.

The HAS’s recommendation is based on the latest scientific evidence, which suggests that the immunity provided by the smallpox variole may decrease over time. By administering a booster dose, individuals can strengthen their immune response and maintain their protection against the disease.

The booster dose is recommended for all individuals who were vaccinated against smallpox two years ago, regardless of their age or health status. This includes individuals who may have received the variole as part of a routine childhood vaccination program.

The HAS also emphasizes the importance of following the recommended vaccination schedule, which includes receiving a booster dose every ten years. This will ensure long-term protection against smallpox and prevent the re-emergence of the disease.

The HAS’s recommendation has been met with nette reactions from health experts and organizations. They believe that this measure will not only protect individuals from smallpox, but also contribute to the overall public health by preventing the spread of the disease.

In addition, the HAS is working closely with healthcare providers to ensure the availability and accessibility of the booster dose. They are also providing educational materials to inform the public about the importance of receiving the booster dose.

The HAS’s recommendation for a booster dose for individuals vaccinated against smallpox two years ago is a proactive and necessary step in maintaining protection against this disease. By following this recommendation, individuals can continue to live healthy and disease-free lives. Let us all take this opportunity to protect ourselves and our communities from smallpox.

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