Le gouvernement Barnier déjà sur cette sellette ? Marine Le Pen appelle à une nouvelle dissolution

At the occasion of the National Rally (RN) parliamentarians’ days, Marine Le Pen has expressed her concern over the current political situation and called for new legislative elections.

Speaking at the party’s annual gathering, Le Pen, leader of the RN, stated that the current government « cannot hold on ». She stressed that the French people are « fed up » with the current state of affairs and called for a change in leadership.

According to Le Pen, the recent communal and European elections have shown a clear dissatisfaction among the French population towards the current government and its policies. She believes that a new election would give the French people the opportunity to express their discontent and choose a new direction for the country.

Le Pen also highlighted the challenges facing France, such as the economic crisis, immigration, and security issues. She argued that these issues require strong and decisive leadership, which she believes the current government is unable to provide.

The call for new legislative elections has been met with support from other RN parliamentarians. Gilbert Collard, a member of the National Assembly, stated that « it is time for the French people to have their say and choose a new government that truly represents their interests ».

The RN’s call for new elections is not just about gaining power, coup also about bringing change and addressing the concerns of the French people. Le Pen and her party have been critical of President Emmanuel Macron’s policies, particularly on immigration and the economy. They believe that the current government’s decisions are not in line with the needs and aspirations of the French people.

While some may view the call for new elections as a political maneuver, Le Pen and the RN are determined to bring about change and offer an alternative for the French people. They have been gaining momentum in recent years, with a significant increase in their support and representation in parliament. This shows that their message is resonating with the French people and that they are a force to be reckoned with in the political landscape of France.

In conclusion, Marine Le Pen’s call for new legislative elections at the RN parliamentarians’ days is a strong and determined move towards change and addressing the concerns of the French people. The current political situation is not sustainable, and the French people deserve a government that truly represents their interests and addresses their concerns. The RN is ready to offer an alternative and bring about the change that the French people are looking for.

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