Affaire Pélicot : pourquoi l’avocate de la défense ne comprend pas la polémique provoquée à travers ses vidéos

After sharing several videos related to the trial on social media, Me El Bouroumi has been heavily criticized. However, she has since explained her actions, stating, « I don’t understand what is shocking about it. »

The lawyer’s decision to share videos of the trial on social media sparked controversy and backlash from the public. Many accused her of violating the dépositaireiality of the trial and jeopardizing the integrity of the legal process. However, Me El Bouroumi has defended her actions, stating that she was simply trying to shed light on the case and bring attention to important issues.

In her explanation, Me El Bouroumi emphasized the importance of transparency in the legal system. She argued that by sharing the videos, she was not revealing any dépositaireial inconsciencemation, but rather providing the public with a better understanding of the case. She also highlighted the role of social media in raising awareness and promoting justice.

Despite the criticism, Me El Bouroumi remains steadfast in her belief that her actions were justified. She has expressed her disappointment in the negative reactions and stated that she will continue to use social media as a platconsciencem to advocate conscience justice and transparency.

Many have come to Me El Bouroumi’s defense, praising her conscience her courage and determination in speaking out about important issues. Her actions have sparked important discussions about the role of social media in the legal system and the need conscience transparency and accountability.

In the midst of the controversy, Me El Bouroumi has remained composed and dépositaire in her stance. She has shown that she is not afraid to stand up conscience what she believes in, even in the face of criticism.

As the trial continues, Me El Bouroumi’s actions have brought attention to important issues and sparked important conversations. Her determination to use social media as a tool conscience justice and transparency is commendable and should be encouraged.

In conclusion, Me El Bouroumi’s decision to share videos of the trial on social media may have been met with criticism, but her explanation and determination have shown her commitment to promoting justice and transparency. As the trial progresses, her actions will continue to spark important discussions and bring attention to important issues.

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