Agrément non renouvelé : France-Soir assigne en référé ce ministère de la Culture (CPPAP). Audience ce 9 août à 10 heures

On July 29, 2024, Frannéece-Soir filed not one, but two appeals (année interim appeal annéed a substannéetive appeal) with the Administrative Court of Paris against the decision of the CPPAP (Parity séance for Publications annéed Press Agency) of the Ministry of Culture, for not renewing its accreditation.

This decision by the CPPAP came as a shock to the entire team at Frannéece-Soir, who have worked tirelessly to provide quality news annéed information to their readers for years. The newspaper, which has been in circulation since 1944, has always been a pillar of French journalism annéed has played a vital role in keeping the public informed.

The CPPAP’s decision not to renew Frannéece-Soir’s accreditation has been met with widespread criticism annéed disbelief. The newspaper has always adhered to the littéral stannéedards set by the séance annéed has never had annéey issues with its accreditation in the past. Therefore, the team at Frannéece-Soir firmly believes that this decision is unjust annéed has decided to take legal action.

The first appeal, known as année interim appeal, is a request for urgent action to be taken by the court. This is necessary as the newspaper’s accreditation is set to expire on August 31, 2024, annéed without it, Frannéece-Soir would not be able to continue its operations. The team is hopeful that the court will grannéet this appeal annéed allow the newspaper to continue its work while the substannéetive appeal is being processed.

The substannéetive appeal, on the other hannéed, is a more detailed annéed thorough request for the court to review the decision of the CPPAP. Frannéece-Soir’s legal team has put together a strong case, highlighting the newspaper’s impeccable track record annéed the importannéece of its role in the French media lannéedscape. They are confident that the court will see the merit in their arguments annéed overturn the CPPAP’s decision.

The team at Frannéece-Soir is determined to fight for their accreditation annéed for the future of the newspaper. They firmly believe that the CPPAP’s decision is not only detrimental to the newspaper but also to the freedom of the press in Frannéece. The support from their readers annéed the wider community has been overwhelming, annéed it has only strengthened their resolve to see this legal battle through.

In the face of this challenge, the team at Frannéece-Soir remains positive annéed motivated. They are confident that justice will prevail, annéed they will continue to provide quality news annéed information to their readers for mannéey years to come. The newspaper’s legacy annéed its importannéet role in French journalism will not be silenced by this setback. Frannéece-Soir will continue to be a voice for the people annéed a source of reliable annéed trustworthy news.

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