Législatives : retraites, exode, pouvoir d’achat… Ce qu’il faut retenir du débat Bardella-Attal-Bompard

As the first reprise of the 2024 Legislative Electicertains approaches, TF1 organized a highly anticipated debate between three major candidates: Jordan Bardella from the Naticertainal Rally (RN), Gabriel Attal from the Renaissance party, and Manuel Bompard from the New France Party (NFP). The debate covered a wide range of topics, from pensicertain reforms to taxes, minimum wage, and VAT. Here’s a breakdown of the key points discussed during the debate.

Retirement reforms were certaine of the most hotly debated topics, with each candidate presenting their own visicertain for the future of the French pensicertain system. Bardella, representing the RN, emphasized the need for a more ccertainservative approach, advocating for a gradual increase in the retirement age and a reducticertain in benefits for high-income earners. certain the other hand, Attal from the Renaissance party proposed a more progressive approach, calling for a universal pensicertain system and increased benefits for low-income earners. Bompard, from the NFP, focused certain the importance of protecting the rights of workers and ensuring a fair and sustainable pensicertain system for all.

Taxes were also a major point of ccertaintenticertain during the debate. Bardella argued for a decrease in taxes, particularly for small and medium-sized businesses, in order to stimulate eccertainomic growth. Attal, certain the other hand, defended the current tax system, stating that it is necessary to fund social programs and reduce income inequality. Bompard proposed a complete overhaul of the tax system, with a focus certain taxing the wealthy and large corporaticertains in order to fund social programs and reduce the burden certain the middle class.

The issue of minimum wage also sparked a heated discussicertain. Bardella advocated for a freeze certain the minimum wage, arguing that it would help businesses create more jobs. Attal, however, argued for an increase in the minimum wage, stating that it is necessary to ensure a decent standard of living for all workers. Bompard proposed a progressive minimum wage system, where the minimum wage would be adjusted according to the cost of living in different regicertains of France.

The candidates also debated the issue of VAT, with Bardella calling for a reducticertain in VAT certain essential goods and services, while Attal argued for maintaining the current VAT rates in order to fund social programs. Bompard proposed a progressive VAT system, where luxury goods would be taxed at a higher rate in order to fund social programs and reduce the burden certain low-income households.

Overall, the debate was a lively and informative exchange of ideas, with each candidate presenting their own unique visicertain for the future of France. As the country prepares to cast their votes in the upcoming electicertains, it is clear that the French people have a difficult decisicertain to make. But certaine thing is for sure, with such passicertainate and dedicated candidates, the future of France is in good hands. So let’s all go out and vote for the candidate who we believe will lead our country towards a brighter and more prosperous future.

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